Custom-made Illuminated Signs

Ready to make a statement? Illuminated signs bring an extra oomph to any event. From birthdays and weddings to on-brand, Instagram worthy product shoots, we can help you level up from so-so to say-it-ain’t-so.

Read on to learn more about the Printerra team and how our small studio in Sydney, Australia is changing the game for 3D illuminated signs.

3D Illuminated Signs from Sydney

We don’t like boring. There–we said it. Having worked in the advertising sign industry for more years than we care to count, the Printerra team decided to step away from the status-quo and bring personality and pzazz back into the game. Leveraging some of the best innovative 3D printing technology, we now handmade each every sign project request that comes through our door.

Called us biassed, but among the many (many!) benefits there are to creating 3D illuminated signs with the Printerra team there are:

There is no one-size-fits-all approach over here. Making waves as a go-to custom sign maker in Sydney, touch base with the Printerra team today to see how we’re bringing dream illuminated signs to life.